Monday, September 12, 2011

Blog # 2

Blog # 2 “Response To Goldstein’s Essay”

            Cartoons have been safe for a good amount of time now it all depends on who the audience is to determine if the cartoon is appropriate for them. Cartoons are created often with the intent of crossing the line and going overboard, the most popular cartoons are ones that go overboard and satirical with it, in doing so it gets the creators purpose across effectively. Personally, cartoons should not be censored but regulated.
Primarily cartoons have been safe for a long time now; cartoons have been prime contributors to elections, world issues and even entertainment. The propaganda used in political cartoons illustrated the stereotypes of the candidates and world issues are dramatized and entertainment just entertains children and adults alike.  There is no harm done, common sense should let you know to take them with a grain of salt.
            Secondly, cartoons can indeed go overboard and cross the line. Cartoons are created with that intent.  The cartoon “Family Guy” and “South Park” use satire and go over board to get across the point of what they are being satirical about.  When you look at a political cartoon they are dramatized immensely. If a candidate sweats a lot when giving a speech, is rich and has a large nose the cartoon will depict them as a big fat guy and have money pouring out of his pockets and an abnormally large nose.
Cartoons should not be censored but regulated, adults should be able to view whatever cartoon to their hearts content. But the reason it needs to be regulated is for children. Some cartoons are not appropriate for younger children; these cartoons are the ones that I mentioned above such as “Family Guy” and “South Park” just because of the content that’s involved in the cartoons

1 comment:

  1. Common sense sometimes takes a backseat to emotion. There have been plenty of controversies over political commercials and political cartoons. I agree with you, though, that we should be open to satire and irony. We should suspect that it is there somewhere. The audience is usually hyper-aware because they enjoy such things. That's not always the case, though.

    Keep up the good work.

