Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Blog # 4

Blog #4

Chilton’s essay is mainly about the drug cartels and how the cartoon by Nate Beeler represents it along with who really has the right to point fingers and assume things. She starts off the essay by talking about the areas affected by the cartels and the cartoon itself then she progresses to dissect the cartoon and break down each representation. Her thesis is about the different strategies that are used “to portray the cartoonist’s opinion that blames should be limited to one party: the drug cartels. Through the use of color, stereotypes, and the images if death, the cartoonist blames the violent Latin American drug cartels for Mexico’s problems and undermines the legitimacy of the attempts of the Mexican government." (pg. 27-28 Envision)

I believe Chilton’s thesis and the arguments that are presented in the essay are legitimate, powerful and she presents a well arguementive essay but, I also believe that the government(s) should have more control than the drug cartel. Yeah, it will take awhile to completely faze them out but its just ridiculous how much power they really do have.
Unfourtionatly, not only Mexico is to blame like Chilton said because, there is consumers here in the USA alike Mexico.

I’m not really sure how someone else would interrupt the cartoon but I could also see that the sculls that are falling out of “Mexico” piñata also represents all the suffering from the drug cartels that is outside of the country of Mexico.

1 comment:

  1. Your comment re: the Mexican government is valid. Why do you think the cartoonist decided to depict only the cartel? Is that a criticism of the legal system?

